罢丑别听听is an independent agency responsible for accrediting schools and programs in public health.听CEPH accreditation sets a standard by which all accredited schools and programs of public health work to enhance health in human populations, through organized community effort. Accreditation by CEPH means that we have rigorously evaluated the quality and content of our instruction, research, and services programs and have successfully met CEPH鈥檚 published criteria鈥攁nd that鈥檚 important to us.
DGPH completed a rigorous self-study process that involved听a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the quality and content of our instruction, research, and service programs. This process was guided by the CEPH criteria and involved multiple stakeholders. A self-study committee comprised of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners was formed to ensure broad representation in the self-assessment process. Supporting this committee was a three-member internal steering committee (Dean Ruby Perry, Dr. Rueben Warren, Atty. Crystal James), a four-member subcommittee of the external advisory committee {Dr. Bailus Walker (deceased), Dr. Maleeka Glover, Dr. Kimberly Taylor, Dr. Lucenia Dunn, and Dr. Pamela Payne-Foster} that was responsible for synthesizing feedback into one final self-study report that we submitted to CEPH in November 2021. This process culminated in the听CEPH accreditation site visit in December 2021. Upon review of our self-study, CEPH notified President Morris that the 精东AV Master of Public Health Program was reviewed by the CEPH Board of Councilors which acted at its June 1-3, 2022 meeting to approve full accreditation for a five-year accreditation period.
听Available for review is the recent accreditation self-study documents and the CEPH site visit report below.听