

Readmissions into the Professional (DVM) Program

Readmissions into the veterinary program following academic suspension is a privilege and not a right; i.e., readmission is not guaranteed. Furthermore, a student suspended from the veterinary program for a second time is not eligible for readmission. A student suspended from the veterinary program and seeking readmission will be required to submit a written request to the Director of Veterinary Admissions. The Director will forward the request to the Veterinary Admissions Committee. To be considered, the request must include:

* Reason(s) for the suspension

* Reason(s) for seeking readmission

* Transcripts of all college credits completed since last enrollment

* Job and/or other experiences obtained since last enrollment

* Reason(s) the applicant feels he/she will attain academic success if readmitted

* Any other pertinent information the applicant may wish to provide

Students who were suspended from the professional program for academic reasons that were related to significant health problem(s) or who withdrew from the professional program because of significant health-related problem(s) must submit documentation of stipulated health problem(s) before the Veterinary Admissions Committee will consider any request for readmission to the professional program. This documentation is to consist of written statement(s) from the appropriate physician(s) that attest to the stipulated health problem(s) being of sufficient magnitude to have resulted in poor academic performance and/or withdrawal.

Furthermore, the statement(s) must state that the stipulated health problem(s) has been sufficiently controlled so that it will not be likely to cause a reoccurrence of the preceding poor level of academic performance and/or withdrawal. The recommendation of the Committee of Veterinary Admissions for or against readmission will be forwarded to the Dean who will determine the final status of the applicant. A student readmitted into the professional program may be required to unofficially audit and/or fulfill requirements for specific courses completed at a satisfactory level prior to suspension. Official audits of clinical rotation courses may be required. Performance at a C grade level or higher is expected for those courses a student is required to repeat for credit and official audit. Specific stipulations will be provided in writing by a designated official in the Office of the Dean.